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Habitat Conservation

Image of wilderness, hillsides with native grasses and a few trees.

The Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District (RCRCD) is a non-regulatory local agency that works to permanently protect land that has habitat, scenic, and/or agricultural values, per Divison 9 of the California  Public Resources Code Article 1 Policy 9001 Section B Articles 2-4. The RCRCD connects blocks of habitat by preserving and restoring corridors or linkages for wildlife movement and migration. The RCRCD conserves open space habitat in through Preservation, Enchancement, Resortation, and/or Habitat Management. 

The RCRCD maintains and monitors restored habitat areas for water quality, rare and threatened wildlife species, exotic weeds, trash, off-road vehicle (ORV) intrusion, noise, and other impacts. Staff at the RCRCD conduct ongoing monitoring to evaluate the condition and function of conservation lands. Methods include species surveys, detailed vegetation mapping, vegetation sampling using Relevé and point intercept methods, and California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) for wetlands. 

May contain: image of field technicians working on habitat restoration in a field outside of a park.
RCRCD staff working on a restoration project.

As part of ongoing stewardship, the RCRCD coordinates the cleanup of trash and debris; tests water quality; and monitors wildlife. Non-native aquatic species are removed from conservation easement waterways. Management includes blocking of illegal ORV routes and replanting disturbed soil with native vegetation. Occupation of preserve sites by homeless encampment has increased, mainly in riparian areas. Staff works with neighboring landowners, homeless resource groups, and law enforcement to deal with this complex and difficult issue.

If you would like more information on how to donate natural lands to the RCRCD, please contact Kerwin Russell at