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Learn about the proper disposal of household chemicals.

Read labels on products to see if they are hazardous. Paints, cleaning solvents, oil, grease, gasoline, antifreeze, brake fluid, and pesticides should never be dumped on the ground or into a storm drain inlet. If spilled, wipe-up chemicals rather than hosing them into the street. Dispose of some household wastes at ABOP'S (Waste facilities that accept Antifreeze, Batteries, Oil, and water based Paints). Hazardous household wastes (oil based paints, thinners, and toxic pollutants like pesticides) are accepted at periodic collection events. Thirdly, motor oil can be disposed of at any automotive repair shop that has a recycling station. Check with your local repair business or call the "Only Rain Down the Storm Drain" program phone line to request a list of recycling stations in your area. 

When it comes to cleaning water based paints, do it in the sink, not in the driveway, gutter, or yard.

Wash your car on the lawn using non-toxic soap. Detergents, from washing cars and driveways add nutrients to runoff water, causing excessive algae and plant growth in waterways. Don't wash driveways down with soaps and solvents; sweep.

Reduce the amount of hazardous materials you use in and around your home. Use non-toxic alternatives instead. For recipes of non-hazardous cleansers and polishes refer to A Guide for Proper Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste and the Use of Environmentally Friendly Products, available from the Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District.

When using pesticides and fertilizers, more is not better. Don't overdose the environment! Follow the directions. Consider weather conditions and timing of applications.